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DBAs - Fundamentals


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Lesson 25

"When ideas fail, words come in very handy." - Goethe (1749-1832)


Organizing tables and indexes



ALTER or MOVE statement

Normally, to re-organize a table, you should use ALTER command with MOVE options.

SQL> alter table mytable move;

Check previous hands-on for more information.


dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats procedure

You can use GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure in the DBMS_STATS package to analyze all tables and indexes in a specific schema.

SQL> EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats


- OR -

SQL> EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats ('your_schema_name');


LONG datatype in a table

Unfortunately, you can"t do this is you have a long datatype. If your table contains a LONG datatype you get the following error

message: ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype


For example:

SQL> alter table table_with_long move;

alter table table_with_long move


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype


To re-organize a table with a LONG datatype do the following steps:


Assuming this is your table that can not be re-organized.

SQL> ed

Wrote file afiedt.buf

CREATE TABLE table_with_long

              (c1 VARCHAR2(100) PRIMARY KEY,

              c2 number(5),

              c3 LONG)

SQL> /

Table created.


Write a PL/SQL procedure to insert 100 records.

SQL> ed

Wrote file afiedt.buf


              FOR this IN 1..100 LOOP

                            INSERT INTO table_with_long


                            ('PK_' || this, this, 'This is a very long long long data...');

                            -- save transaction


              END LOOP;


SQL> /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Query the table...




SQL> SELECT * FROM table_with_long;

C1 C2 C3

---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------

PK_1 1 This is a very long long long data...

PK_2 2 This is a very long long long data...

PK_3 3 This is a very long long long data...

PK_4 4 This is a very long long long data...

PK_5 5 This is a very long long long data...

PK_6 6 This is a very long long long data...

PK_7 7 This is a very long long long data...

PK_8 8 This is a very long long long data...

PK_9 9 This is a very long long long data...

PK_10 10 This is a very long long long data...

PK_11 11 This is a very long long long data...

PK_12 12 This is a very long long long data...

PK_13 13 This is a very long long long data...

PK_14 14 This is a very long long long data...

PK_15 15 This is a very long long long data...

PK_16 16 This is a very long long long data...

PK_17 17 This is a very long long long data...

PK_18 18 This is a very long long long data...

PK_19 19 This is a very long long long data...

PK_20 20 This is a very long long long data...



100 rows selected.

Assuming that there is lots of fragmentation and you need to re-organize the table ("table_with_long"). Create a table with the same columns name and datatypes...


SQL> DESC table_with_long

Name Null? Type

----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------





SQL> CREATE TABLE table_with_long$$recovery

              (c1 VARCHAR2(100) PRIMARY KEY,

              c2 NUMBER(5),

              c3 LONG);


Table created.


Write a PL/SQL procedure to copy all data from table_with_long to table_with_long$$recovery. Notice that you can not use insert DML statement to move data. You will get the following error message: ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype

SQL> INSERT INTO table_with_long$$recovery

              SELECT * FROM table_with_long;

SELECT * FROM table_with_long


ERROR at line 2:

ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype


This procedure will perform the copy process.



              CURSOR c_table_with_long

                            IS SELECT * FROM table_with_long;



              FOR this IN c_table_with_long LOOP

                            INSERT INTO table_with_long$$recovery

                            VALUES (this.c1, this.c2, this.c3);


              END LOOP;




PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Query table_with_long$$recovery to see the data.

SQL> SELECT * FROM table_with_long$$recovery;

C1 C2 C3

---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------

PK_1 1 This is a very long long long data...

PK_2 2 This is a very long long long data...

PK_3 3 This is a very long long long data...

PK_4 4 This is a very long long long data...

PK_5 5 This is a very long long long data...

PK_6 6 This is a very long long long data...

PK_7 7 This is a very long long long data...

PK_8 8 This is a very long long long data...

PK_9 9 This is a very long long long data...




100 rows selected.


Truncate table_with_long;

SQL> TRUNCATE TABLE table_with_long;

Table truncated.


Check to make sure there are no data in that table.

SQL> SELECT * FROM table_with_long;

no rows selected


Now, write a PL/SQL procedure to copy all data from table_with_long$$recovery to the truncated table.

SQL> ed

Wrote file afiedt.buf


              CURSOR c_table_with_long$$recovery

                            IS SELECT * FROM table_with_long$$recovery;


              FOR this IN c_table_with_long$$recovery LOOP

                            INSERT INTO table_with_long

                            VALUES (this.c1, this.c2, this.c3);


              END LOOP;




PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Now, check to see the data is back to its table.

SQL> SELECT * FROM table_with_long;

C1 C2 C3

---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------

PK_1 1 This is a very long long long data...

PK_2 2 This is a very long long long data...

PK_3 3 This is a very long long long data...

PK_4 4 This is a very long long long data...

PK_5 5 This is a very long long long data...

PK_6 6 This is a very long long long data...

PK_7 7 This is a very long long long data...

PK_8 8 This is a very long long long data...

PK_9 9 This is a very long long long data...




100 rows selected.

This is one way to re-organize table with a long datatype.


"The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people." - Lucille S. Harper



Q: How do you re-organize a table?

Q: How do you re-organize a table when the table contains a LONG datatype?

Q: Describe the DBMS_STATS package/

Q: What does the GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure in the DBMS_STATS package?