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iSelfSchooling Oracle Certifications

Online Oracle Training


Certification of Completion

We are international!


SQL Certification  

How does it work?


Answer to the SQL questions and email it to us. We evaluate your answers and if you pass. We will mail the SQL certification to your address anywhere in the world. You need to pay $4.95 for the mailing and handling cost plus a thirty (30) minutes of an evaluation fee to read your answers for an amount of $25. You will be billed once you email us your exam. Your fee is not refundable if you fail.


             $25.00 - For SQL

             $04.95 - For the mailing and handling


Price for SQL: $29.95

SQL & PL/SQL Certifications

How does it work?


Answer to the SQL and PL/SQL questions and email it to us. We evaluate your answers and if you pass. We will mail the SQL and PL/SQL certifications to your address anywhere in the world. You need to pay $4.95 for the mailing and handling cost plus one hour of an evaluation fee to read your answers for an amount of $50. You will be billed once you email us your exam. Your fee is not refundable if you fail.


             $25.00 - For SQL

             $25.00 - For PL/SQL

             $04.95 - For the mailing and handling


 Totals: $54.95


SQL, PL/SQL & DBA Certifications

How does it work?


Answer to the  SQL, PL/SQL, DBA Fundamentals I, DBA Fundamentals II, and Performance Tuning questions and email it to us. We evaluate your answers and if you pass. We will mail the SQL, PL/SQL and DBA certifications to your address anywhere in the world. You need to pay $4.95 for the mailing and handling cost plus 2.5 hours of an evaluation fee to read your answers for an amount of $125. You will be billed once you email us your exam. Your fee is not refundable if you fail.


             $25.00 - For SQL

             $25.00 - For PL/SQL

             $75.00 - For DBA

             $04.95 - For the mailing and handling


 Totals: $129.95


PL/SQL only Certification

How does it work?


Answer to the PL/SQL questions and email it to us. We evaluate your answers and if you pass. We will mail the PL/SQL certification to your address anywhere in the world. You need to pay $4.95 for the mailing and handling cost plus one 30 minutes of an evaluation fee to read your answers for an amount of $25. You will be billed once you email us your exam. Your fee is not refundable if you fail.


             $25.00 - For PL/SQL

             $04.95 - For the mailing and handling


 Totals: $29.95


DBA only Certification

How does it work?


Answer to the  DBA Fundamentals I, DBA Fundamentals II, and Performance Tuning questions and email it to us. We evaluate your answers and if you pass. We will mail the DBA certification to your address anywhere in the world. You need to pay $4.95 for the mailing and handling cost plus 1.5 hours of an evaluation fee to read your answers for an amount of $75. You will be billed once you email us your exam. Your fee is not refundable if you fail.


             $75.00 - For DBA

             $04.95 - For the mailing and handling


 Totals: $79.95




Good Luck!


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