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Perform TimeFinder via STM 
Perform TimeFinder Operations via the SRDF/TF Manager (STM) within the ControlCenter Console 
a) Create a Device Group, add Standard devices and associate BCVs. 
b) Determine the TimeFinder status of devices in a Device Group. 
c) Perform TimeFinder operations (Establish, Split). 


      1.            Launch the ControlCenter Console


      2.            TimeFinder Operations

a)     Clear all entities from the Target Panel by clicking on the “Eraser” button on the Tree Panel. Switch the Target Panel view to “Properties” (Click on Properties button on the Short cut bar).

b)     Click on the “Data Protection” Button so that the TimeFinder, SRDF and QoS options show on the main menu.

c)      Identify Standard and BCV devices presented to your host

(1)  Drill down into the Hosts folder on the Tree, identify the host assigned to you and drill down into your host.

d)     Click on the Relationship Button from the Short Cut bar to make the Target Panel heading “Relationship”.  Click and drag the “Host Devices” folder of your host into the Target Panel. This will show you a relationship view of all the devices presented to your host. The Symmetrix array along with the devices presented to the host is shown on the right side of the relationship view. The Standard devices appear as “Disk” icons. The BCVs icons have a shadow (i.e. looks like two disks side by side). Record the standard and BCV devices in the following table. Please note that the VCM device (000) and Gatekeeper devices also appear as standard devices. How can you check if a standard device is a VCM device or a Gatekeeper device? – Ask Instructor for help if you cannot figure out the answer.




Device Type (STD/BCV)

Host Device Name

Symmetrix Device































e)     Create a Standard Device Group and add your assigned Standard and BCV devices to the device group

(1)  Use the Device Group Wizard to create the device group and to add the standard devices and associate the BCVs.

(2)  Call the instructor for help if you run into any problems.

(3)  Drill down into the “Device Group” folder. You should see the newly created device group. Drill down into the newly created device group. It will have a number of folders. One of them will be “Standard devices” and one more will be “Local BCVs”.

f)        TimeFinder status information of the BCVs

(1)   Clear all objects from the Target Panel by clicking on the “Eraser Button” in the Objects Tree Pane. Then choose “TimeFinder” from the “Data Protection” pull down menu to change the Target Panel to the TimeFinder View.

(2)  Click and drag the “Local BCVs” folder of your newly created Standard Device Group into the Target Panel.  TimeFinder information on all the BCV devices in your device group will now be shown in the target panel. Record the following information.





Std Host-Dev Grp




BCV Host – Dev Grp




Std Invalid Tracks


BCV Invalid Tracks



g)     Call your instructor for help if the “State” is “Synchronized” or “SyncInProg”.

h)      Full Establish Operation:

Right click on the standard device group in the object tree > Choose “Data Protection” > TimeFinder > Establish…. This will open up the TimeFinder Establish window. Check the Optimize box, uncheck the Incremental box and then Click on OK.  The Establish operation will occur. The assumption here is that the Establish is being done for the first time, the Optimize option will optimize the STD to BCV assignment and the establish process will be a “Full Establish” because we unchecked the incremental option.  Record the following information from the TimeFinder view window: Please note that the information in the TimeFinder view will be changing while the synchronization is in progress.

What happens to the State: ________________________

What happens to the Number of STD Invalid tracks: ____

What happens to the Number of BCV Invalid Tracks: ____

What happens in the MBs/sec Column: ______________

What happens in the MBs left column: _______________

What happens in the Time Left column: ______________

What is the Status of the BCV device from the BCV-host’s perspective? (To get this information right click on the BCV device in the TimeFinder view window and choose properties. This will split the window on the target pane and show the properties of the BCV device in the lower window. You can get the properties on the second BCV device the same way. Please note that the information in the properties view may take upto 15 minutes to change) _____________________________________

Can the BCV host access the BCV while it is in an established state? _______

i)        Split Operation:

Right click on the standard device group in the object tree > Choose “Data Protection” > TimeFinder > Split…. This will open up the TimeFinder Split window. Check the Differential box and then Click on OK.  The Split operation will occur.

What happens to State in the TimeFinder View: ________________________

What is the Status of the BCV device from the BCV-host’s perspective? _____

Can the BCV host access the BCV while it is in a Split state? _____________

What does the “Differential” option do?  ______________________________

What does the “Reverse Split” option do? _____________________________

j)        Incremental Establish Operation:

Right click on the standard device group in the object tree > Choose “Data Protection” > TimeFinder > Establish…. This will open up the TimeFinder Establish window.  Make sure the Incremental box is checked and then Click on OK.  The incremental establish operation will occur.

What happens to State in the TimeFinder View: ________________________

What does the “Incremental” option do?  ______________________________

Which took longer the “Full Establish” or the “Incremental Establish” and Why? 


k)      TimeFinder Lab Clean Up:

Split the Standards and BCVs in your device group (Right click on the standard device group in the object tree > Choose “Data Protection” > TimeFinder > Split…. This will open up the TimeFinder Split window. Check the Differential box and then Click on OK.  )

Delete your device group (Right click on the device group and choose Delete.  Confirm the deletion)


END of exercise.

Good Luck!


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