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Online Oracle Training

Table of contents

OEM -- Table of contents

Hands-On Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM)


Hands-On 01 (Discovering a Server Node using OEM)

Discovering a Server Node; Identifying all of the databases; Setting Preferred Credential Users; Accessing a database; Changing a user credential; Shutting down a database; Starting-up a database


Hands-On 02 (Managing Users using OEM)

Selecting a target database; Creating an Oracle user; Granting a role to a user; Granting system privileges to a user; Locking a user; Removing a user


Hands-On 03 (Managing Roles using OEM)

Selecting a target database; Creating a role; Granting a role to a role; Granting a system privilege to a role; Removing a role


Hands-On 04 (Managing Profiles using OEM)

Selecting a target database; Creating a profile; Limiting a user resources; Removing a profile


Hands-On 05 (Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles using OEM)

Selecting a target database; Creating a tablespace; Creating a datafile; Changing the block size of a tablespace; Using the Locally Managed option; Adding an additional datafile to a tablespace; Using the automatically extend option; Obtaining a SQL statement syntax; Removing a tablespace


Hands-On 06 (Obtaining a database structure information using OEM)

Selecting a target database; Obtaining information about Control Files; Obtaining information about Online Redo Log Files; Obtaining information about Archived Redo Log Files


Hands-On 07 (Managing Database Objects using OEM)

Selecting a target database; Creating a table; Adding columns and Datatypes; Changing column attributes; Defining a default storage parameter; Creating a public synonym; Obtaining SQL statement syntaxes


Hands-On 08 (Optimizing a SQL statement using OEM)

Using the Top Session Tool; Selecting a target database; Obtaining information about a SQL Statement; Browsing a SQL Statement in the memory; Running the EXPLAIN PLAN statement; Obtaining table access information


Hands-On 09 (Managing Groups and Events using OEM)

Creating a Group; Obtaining a background picture; Assigning databases to a group; Creating an Oracle Event; Assigning Access Privileges of an Event; Assigning target database to an Event; Testing a created event; Scheduling a frequent run of an Event; Notifying users; Registering an Event; Adding an Event to the Repository Library; Refreshing the CONSOLE; Obtaining a Red Flag


Hands-On 10 (Obtaining a Database Information using OEM )

Obtaining the Disk space used by tables report; Selecting a target database; Obtaining the Instance report; Obtaining SGA information; Obtaining the Security report; Obtaining user information; Obtaining profile information; Obtaining role information; Obtaining the Storage report; Obtaining tablespace information; Obtaining datafile information; Obtaining rollback segment information; Obtaining redo log and archive log information


Hands-On 11 (Obtaining a Memory Statistical Information using OEM)

Using the Diagnostics Pack Tool; Selecting a target database; Obtaining Session CPU Activity; Obtaining Session Memory Use; Obtaining Session Efficiency; Obtaining Memory Size; Obtaining I/O statistics; Obtaining Session Identification; Obtaining detailed session information; Obtaining SQL statements


Hands-On 12 (Obtaining a SQL statement Information using OEM)

Selecting a target database; Obtaining the Disk Reads Per Execution output; Obtaining the Buffer Gets Per Execution output; Obtaining the Execution output; Obtaining the Disk Reads output; Obtaining the Buffer Gets output; Obtaining the Hit Ratio output


Hands-On 13 (Detecting a session lock problem using OEM)

Using the Lock Monitor tool; Selecting a target database; Identifying the Lock Session; Obtaining locked users; Obtaining a user’s lock mode; Resolving lock contentions


Hands-On 14 (Obtaining Disk I/Os using OEM)

Using the Performance Manager tool; Selecting a target database; Obtaining disk I/Os; Using the File Read Operations chart; Changing the Refresh Rate option; Monitoring the Physical Reads/Sec activity; Monitoring the Physical Block Reads/Sec activity


Hands-On 15 (Scheduling a Database backup)

Using the Backup tool; Using the Backup Wizard; Specifying a backup date and time; Identifying backup target databases; Submitting a backup job


Hands-On 16 (Performing a logical backup and restore)

Using the Database Wizards tool; Using the Export Wizard tool; Specifying a backup table; Scheduling a Job; Adding created export jobs to the Job Library; Using the Import Wizard tool; Specifying a restore table; Scheduling a Job; Adding created import jobs to the Job Library; Viewing created Jobs in the Job Library


Good Luck!


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