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FORMS -- Table of contents


Introduction 1: Basic Form Builder I introduction

Note on the important definitions to remember


Introduction 2: Basic Hands-On Form Builder I

In this Hands-On; you learn how to: Create a Datablock for the Customer table; Create a layout; Use content canvas; Use execute query; Navigate a table; Use next; previous record; Enter query; Manipulate table's record; Insert; Update; Delete and Save record.


Hands-On 01: Tab canvas; Master-detail relationship

In this Hands-On; you will learn how to use: Tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; Execute Query; Auto-Join data blocks; and Master-Detail relationship.


Hands-On 02: Help; Hint; format mask; properties

In this Hands-ON; you will learn how to use: Help; Hint; Format mask of properties; Tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 03: LOVs; Record Group

In this Hands-On; you will learn how to use: The List of Values (LOV); and group records; Tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 04: Radio Buttons

In this Hands-On; you will learn how to: Add and use Radio Buttons; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 05: Display items; Summary and function columns

You will learn how to: Display fields; summary and formula functions; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 06: Trigger (POST-QUERY)

In this Hands-On; you will learn how to: Use the POST-QUERY trigger; Compile Triggers; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Introduction: Basic Form Builder II Introduction for Part 2

Note on the important definitions to remember


Hands-On 07: Horizontal Toolbar; Push Button; Trigger (WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED)

You will learn how to: Create and use horizontal toolbar; Create and use the push button item; Create the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger; Write and compile trigger; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 08: Sizing ; Layout appearances

You will learn how to: Size your canvas; Change the horizontal toolbar canvas; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 09: Trigger (PRE-QUERY); set dynamically properties

You will learn how to: Create and use PRE-QUERY trigger; Set dynamically block property on a table's data block; Execute the query using trigger; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 10: Sequence object; Trigger (PRE-INSERT)

You will learn how to: Create sequence object; Create and use PRE-INSERT trigger; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 11: Call Form

You will learn how to: Call another Form; Create and compile triggers; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 12: Global variable; trigger (WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE)

You will learn how to: Use and assign global variable; Pass global variable from one FORM to another; Use global variable to execute query base on its parameter; Create and use the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Introduction: Basic Form Builder III Introduction for Part 3

Note on the important definitions to remember


Hands-On 13: Main menu

You will learn how to: Create or modify default main menu; Use and assign global variable from one form to another; Use global variable to execute query base on its parameter; Create and use the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 14: Pop up menu

You will learn how to: Create pop-up menu; with following functionality cut; paste; and copy; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 15: Move objects; Layout appearances

You will learn how to: Move objects around; Create; copy; and paste logo; Use tab canvas; Object navigator; Data Blocks; Layout Editor; Property Palette; Run Form; and Execute Query.


Hands-On 16: Run Application from desktop

You will learn how to: Run your application from desktop.


Hands-On 17 (Inserting employees’ picture into the EMP table using BLOB / CLOB)

ALTER TABLE; Assigning an empty blob to a column; Creating a directory object; Granting the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege; Granting the DROP ANY DIRECTORY privilege; Writing a stored procedure; Finding where the picture's pointer is located using BFILENAME function; Open the picture as read-only option using DBMS_LOB.FILEOPEN procedure; Loading the picture into a column using DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE procedure; Closing the picture’s pointer using DBMS_LOB.FILECLOSE procedure; Executing and test a stored procedure; Dropping the directory object; Revoking the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege; Revoking the DROP ANY DIRECTORY privilege


Hands-On 18 (Viewing a picture using BLOB datatype)

Creating the Data Blocks item; Using the Data Block wizard; Using the Layout wizard; Using and modifying the Content canvas; Running the application; Using the Execute Query icon; Navigating through the application; Saving the application


Hands-On 19 (What is a REF CURSOR)

Creating a table; Creating a package specification at the database level; Creating the package body; Creating the Form Block; Creating following procedures: query; insert; lock; update; delete; and count procedures.



Creating the Data Blocks item; Using the Data Block wizard; Using the Data Block property palette; Creating transactional triggers; ON-INSERT; ON-DELETE; ON-UPDATE; ON-COUNT; ON-LOCK; Using the Layout wizard; Using and modifying the Content canvas; Running the application; Using the Execute Query icon; Navigating through the application; Saving the application


Good Luck!


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