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The authors do not guarantee or take any responsibility for the accuracy, or completeness of the information.








Lesson 14

"Time is Too slow for those who Wait, Too swift for those who Fear, Too long for those who Grieve, Too short for those who Rejoice, But for those who Love Time is not."

-Henry Vandyke (1852-1933)

Installing Collaboration Suite on a single Linux Server

(By: Linux Users Group)


This document is created as a Linux HOWTO, to help people complete an installation without errors. Usually this is because requirements have not been met and important parts of the documentation have not been read. The HOWTO tries to guide you through the installation and will try to prevent you from making common errors. After following this guide you will have a working version, which you always can refer to. Although this note explains how to setup collaborationSuit on a single host you should not consider having all tiers on one system for production. The note is related and was tested on Linux.
It does not take in consideration other OS specific settings, refer to the documentation for this. If you plan to do this installation on another operating system, you may skip the Linux OS section and use it as a guideline for the rest of the installation.

This note does not replace the official Collaboration Suite documentation which remains the primary source of information to install and configure production systems.

Helping everybody installing Collaboration Suite 903 to avoid known issues.


·         Pentium 3 1GHz or better

·         2.0 GB ram or better (absolute minimum)

·         20 GB HD space (absolute minimum)

·         0.5 GB swapspace (absolute minimum)

·         RedHat Advanced Server (also known as "RedHat 2.1 Advanced Server"

·         SuSE SLES 7 (make sure you apply the requirements in the "" section for SuSe on Metalink.You can find this in the Certify/Availabilty page )

·         Oracle Collaboration Suite 90300 CD pack

·         patch 2414946 (relinking the installation, for RedHat Linux only)

·         patch 2606325 (Unified Messaging, for Linux only)

·         patch 2657711 (Workflow, REVIEWDOCUMENTS_<LANG>.WFT NOT INSTALLED)

·         patch 2579824 (Workflow, Single signon for Workflow 2.6.2 V3)

·         patch 2037255 (Workflow, When using INSO filter, undefined symbol "STAT" in LIBC_UT.SO)

·         patch 2678208 (Patchset 1 for Collaboration Suite

·         Experience installing Oracle software

·         Experience installing Linux

·         The Collaboration Suite Configuration Handbook, available through OTN

Note: if you are not running the whole Collaboration Suite, you
can do with less memory.


This note is based on several documents and Metalink notes. The main ones are:
* Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation GuideRelease 1 Version 9.0.3 for HP 9000 Series HP-UX,
Linux Intel, and Solaris Operating System

August, 2002

Part No. B10044-01

* Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide
Release 1 Version 9.0.3
August 2002
Part No. B10031-01

* Oracle Collaboration Suite Configuration Handbook
Release 1 Version 9.0.3
November 2002

* Oracle Workflow Server Installation Notes
Release 2.6.2
March 2002
Part No. A96643-01

* Metalink Note 211768.1 : Configuring Workflow for Oracle Files
Check also the list of notes at the bottom of this document under "References"

How to read this document
It has been written as a rough guideline. Usually, each step starts with a hyphen "-". When continuing the same step, the next line does not contain a hyphen. When a command is given and does not fit on a single line, that line has been terminated at the end with a backslash "\". Sometimes, to make clear that lines are part of a portion of text, this text has been pre-inserted a blank line or extra spaces in front. A operating system command is always prefixed with a dollar sign "$".

Installing RedHat
- Make sure you set in the bios bootable devices the cdrom as the first device
- Boot RedHat from cdrom
- Do a Custom installation
- Partition manually
- Make your root filesystem not too small, besides the software there should be
enough space for /tmp in there. We suggest at least 1 GB more than the installation software (see below).
- Make your swap twice as large as your memory, with a limit of 2GB (O/S limit)
- Make a partition to contain all oracle software large enough to contain everything (at least 15GB)
- Choose the ext2 filesystem format
- Choose LILO as the bootloader and choose to install LILO in the Master Boot Record (MBR)
- Choose no firewall
- Make sure you select the right timezone and select to use UTC and make sure you set the correct UTC offset.
- Choose packages
- Printing
- Classic X
- X Window System
- Gnome
- Network Support
- Messaging and webtools
- WWW webserver
- Utilities
- Software Development
- Windows Compatibility
- Advanced Server Total size=1,369GB
- We prefer to start in textmode, but you can always modify this in file /etc/inittab
- When booted, start X by typing startx. Insert the second CD and mount the cdrom.
- Then choose GnomeRPM packager
- Development\Libraries\compat-glibc-6.2-
- Development\Libraries\compat-libs-6.2-3
- System Eviroment\Shells\pdksh-5.2.14-13
- When installed, disable services: System Settings\Service Configuration
- stop and deselect apmd since you do not want your server to shutdown
- stop and deselect cluster
- stop and deselect rhnsd
- stop and deselect sendmail
- stop and deselect sgi_fam
- start and select httpd
- Add (or verify) the hostname and domain in /etc/hosts
# Remember: those are TWO lines you have to include, the first is NOT an example!
<ip-address> <hostname>.<domain> <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost

- set hostname to <hostname>, domain to <domain> by editing file /etc/sysconfig/network
- On Solaris, the only file you need to modify is /etc/hosts but only if resolving is done by files and DNS.
Check file /etc/nsswitch.conf with entry "hosts files, DNS, ...".
If the resolving is done by NIS, you have to refer to the installation manual.
- make kernel parameter modifications, you may include them in a script to run as root or automatic at startup.
Create file /etc/init.d/kernel
# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions
echo -n $"Setting kernel parameters "
echo 100 32000 100 100 > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
echo 2147483648 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
echo 4096 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni
echo 2097152 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
echo <hostname> > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
echo <domain> > /proc/sys/kernel/domainname
echo 65536 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
ulimit -n 65536 >/dev/null 2>&1
echo 1024 65000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
ulimit -u 16384 >/dev/null 2>&1

- grant execute rights on this file
$ chmod 755 /etc/init.d/kernel
- create symbolic link to run at startup
$ ln -s /etc/init.d/kernel /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S55kernel
$ ln -s /etc/init.d/kernel /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S55kernel
$ ln -s /etc/init.d/kernel /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K89kernel
- make the kernel parameters active by running as root
$ /etc/init.d/kernel start

Pre installation
- Ensure the kernel parameters are set
- As root create mountpoint <oracle_base>
$ mkdir <oracle_base>
- As root do create group oinstall
$ groupadd -g 500 oinstall
- As root do create user oracle
$ useradd -u 501 -g oinstall -d /home/oracle oracle
- As root do
$ passwd oracle
- As root do
$ chown oracle:oinstall <oracle_base>
to ensure oracle can write at in this directory.
- On RedHat apply patch 2414946 to prevent the installation for relinking.
- If you wan to use the ldap port 389 instead of 4032, then modify the file /etc/services and remove the ldap entry. If you are going to do some more port changes (e.g. http ports), refer to section "Some thoughts"

Installing the Collaboration Suite Infrastructure
- Make sure you have a running X server somewhere. For most convenience, you can start on the server a vncserver.
- As root do xhost +
- su - oracle
- set environments:
$ export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
- Test your display by calling xterm or xclock.
- Please note the remark about the TMP settings in section "Common Errors"
- Make sure there are no other environments in the path, e.g. ORACLE_BASE, TWO_TASK, etc.
- Make sure that - if on your system has allready Oracle software -
you shutdown this software to prevent port duplicate errors. Like the most obvious things as listener (port 1521) and enterprise manager (1810). The latter is even worse having still running, since the new repository objects will get stored in the running enterprise manager location, which will make both installations useless.
- Make sure that - if on your system already have Oracle software

- you make a descision to use the current oraInventory or a new one. It is preferable to install each ORACLE_HOME in a seperate oraInventory. It makes things more flexible. Then just modify file oraInst.loc to point to the propriate directory.
- Make sure that - if on your system has you already have an enterprise manager

- you RENAME the emtab file and of course that the enterprise manager is not running.
- Start the software. If you run from the cdrom, do not cd into the cdrom, or you will not be able to unmount! Also, start the NLS version of the installer to get a few extra languages during installation.
$ /<path to installation>/runInstallerNLS
- We choose Location for the oraInventory: <oracle_base>
- We choose Name for the oraInventory: infra
- We choose Path for the installation directory: <infra_home>
- On HP platform, you are asked to point to the location of JRE 1.3.1, usually /opt/java1.3
- Specify group: oinstall
- Choose to go with the default installing containing
- Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository
- Oracle Internet Directory
- Oracle Single Sign-On Server
- Specify Enterprise Manager Name: iasdb (this name will only show up in the web
enterprise manager)
- Specify ias_admin password (for Enterprise manager and OID admin user): <oid_password>
- Specify Database and Operater groups: oinstall
- Choose Unicode (UTF8) characterset for the database.
- Run the <infra_home>/ script and specify localhome: /usr/local/bin
- All configuration steps should go without errors! And - with enough time, RAM and break horsepower - pretty smooth. If you experience any kind of trouble here, not all requirements have been met. You can stop the installation and start over again. Continuing with errors at this point, will require more time to troublehsoot than simply re-installing.
- The end of the installation should give you the administation URL's:
- The HTTP Server can be accessed using the following URLs:
- The Enterprise Manager console can be accessed using the following URL:
http://<host>.<domain>:1810 (ias_admin/<oid_password>)
- If you connect to this Enterprise Manager site, you will see there are four servers by default running:
- HTTP Server
- Internet Directory
- Single Sign-On:orasso:7777
- exit

Doing some intermediate changes
- As user oracle, set the environment to iasdb
$ . oraenv
and specify "iasdb"
- Shutdown enterprise manager
$ emctl stop
You are asked for the password specify <oid_password>
- You may create a symbolic link for calling script ldapcheck
$ ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin/ldapcheck $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapcheck
- We are going to rename the listener. To do that, shutdown everything, refer to "Starting and Stopping". Refer to Note 209721.1 how to modify the listener. We only changed the listener and extproc from "LISTENER" to "LISTENER_IASDB" and "EXTPROC_IASDB" respectively.
We left the port number as it is.
- exit

Some thoughts
- This is the moment to do changes to ports. After middle-tier installation, you can no longer change the infrastructure ports! Refer to Note 209721.1 how to do that.

Installation Collaboration Suite Storage
- Make sure you have a running X server somewhere. For most convenience, you can start on the
server a vncserver.
- As root do xhost +
- su - oracle
- set environments:
$ export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
- Test your display by calling xterm or xclock.
- Make sure there are no other environments in the path, e.g. ORACLE_BASE, TWO_TASK, etc.
- Make sure that - if on your system has allready Oracle software -
you make a descision to use the current oraInventory or a new one. We prefer to install each ORACLE_HOME in a seperate oraInventory. Makes things more flexible. Then just modify file oraInst.loc to point to the apropriate directory.
- Start the software. If you run from cdrom, do not cd into the cdrom, or you will not be able to unmount! Also, start the NLS version of the installer to get a few extra languages during installation.
$ /<path to installation>/runInstallerNLS
- We chose Name for the oraInventory: store
- We chose Path for the installation directory: <store_home>
- We chose to install a pretuned Unified Message Store
- Specify Database and Operater groups: oinstall
- Specify a global database name: <store_sid>.<host>.<domain>
SID: <store_sid>
Warning: if you do not specify your global database name to be the form of
<store_sid>.<host>.<domain>, the configuration of Unified Messaging will fail. This is expecting the host and domain in there. If that happens, then you can modify later on the global database name in the OID with extension ""
- Just go with the default datafile location $ORACLE_HOME/oradata because you can always move datafiles later on.
- Run the /oracle/ias902/ script and specify
localhome: /usr/local/bin
We chose not to overwrite the existing files.
- Choose the passwords for database accounts sys and system.
- exit

Doing some intermediate changes
- As user oracle, set the environment to store
$ . oraenv
and specify "store"
- We are going to rename the listener. To do that, shutdown everything, refer to "Starting and Stopping". Refer to Note 209721.1 on how to modify the listener. We change only the listener and extproc from "LISTENER" to "LISTENER_STORE" and "EXTPROC_STORE" respectively. We changed the port number from 1521 to 1522.
- exit

Installing the Collaboration Suite Middle-tier
- Make sure you have a running X server somewhere. For most convenience, we started on the
server a vncserver.
- As root do xhost +
- su - oracle
- set environments:
$ export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
- Test your display by calling xterm or xclock.
- Please note the remark about the TMP settings in section "Common Errors"
- Make sure there are no other environments in the path, e.g. ORACLE_BASE, TWO_TASK, etc.

- Make sure that - if on your system has allready Oracle software -
you shutdown this software to prevent port duplicate errors. Like the most obvious things as listener (port 1521) and enterprise manager (1810). The latter is even worse having still running, since the new repository objects get stored in the running enterprise manager location, which will make both installations useless.
- Make sure that - if on your system has allready Oracle software

- you make a descision to use the current oraInventory or a new one. We prefer to install each ORACLE_HOME in a seperate oraInventory. Makes things more flexible. Then just modify file oraInst.loc to point to the propriate directory.
- The previous warnings about renaming the emtab file is over: this issue has been solved in CS90310 (not in CS903)! You can have multiple enterprise manager repositories on one machine. Just stick to the one you prefer.
- Start your infrastructure completly, but of course without the enterprise manager (we moved the emtab file, you should not be able to start it anyway).
- Start the software. If you run from cdrom, do not cd into the cdrom, or you will not be able to unmount! Also, start the NLS version of the installer to get a few extra languages during installation.
$ /<path to installation>/runInstallerNLS
- We chose Name for the oraInventory: midtier
- I chose Path for the installation directory: <midtier_home>
- Specify the components you want (or are going to) use.
- Email
- Wireless & Voicemail
- Files
- Calendar
- Portal

Remember that you cannot add components later on, so make the right choise right away!
- Specify the location of your login server <host>.<domain> and default port is 7777 unless you changed portnumbers. If you install on a machine with multiple infrastructures: you might find out that you are not asked for a port, and it is displaying another infrastructure login server. Then temporararily remove the entries in the oratab of the other infrastructure. The installer is picking up those entries!
- Specify the oid account "cn=orcladmin" and the oid admin password.
- Specify Enterprise Manager Name: midtier (this name will only show up in the web enterprise manager)
- Specify ias_admin password (for Enterprise manager): <oid_password>
- Choose Unicode (UTF8) characterset for the database, allows more flexibility.
- Run the /oracle/ias902/ script and specify
localhome: /usr/local/bin
- For the calendar, specify the information needed:
- master node: yes
- unique id: <calendar_nodeid>
- For timezone information, refer to the Calendar Server Reference Manual
- Specify a SYSOP password
- Specify the oid account: cn=orcladmin
- Specify the oid password
- If this step is failing, refer to "Common Errors"
- For the netca, just perform a typical installation. If at the end, the netca is hanging, then verify that in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin the sqlnet.ora,tnsnames.ora and listener.ora have been written. Then kill the last process ID (you will see the timestamp)

- We canceled the Files configuration assistant. You can run allways later

- The end of the installation should give you the administation URL's:
- The HTTP Server can be accessed using the following URLs:
- The Enterprise Manager console can be accessed using the following URL:
http://<host>.<domain>:1810 (ias_admin/<oid_password>)
- exit

Doing some intermediate changes
- Add an entry for your midtier to oraenv, our oraenv looks like this:
- Register the message sore database in OID
- Set the environment to "store"
- Invoke the netca to create the file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/ldap.ora
$ netca
- Choose a Directory Usage Configuration
- Choose Select + Configure directory server (2nd option)
- Choose the type Oracle Internet Directory (currently the only one supported)
- Choose hostname: <host>.<domain>
- Choose Port: 4032
- Choose SSL Port: 4031
- Choose the default context; cn=OracleContext
- Invoke the dbca to register the database at the OID
$ dbca
- Choose Configure database options in a database
- Choose the database "store"
- Choose to register the database
- Specify User DN: cn=orcladmin
- Specify password: <oid_password>
- Click Finish
- Agree to let the database bounce.
- We suggest after registration, you bounce the database again.
- If you start an ldap browser/editor, and go to cn=OracleContext, you will see a new
object "cn=<store_sid>" with attribute orcldbglobalname "<store_sid>.<host>.<domain>" and attribute "orclversion" set to "92000". This is important, because the UM config will search for those to let you install UM. Still having trouble registering? Check out note:171631.1 to get it solved.
- We have to unlock the ctxsys account and set a password in our message store
- Set environent to the "store"
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL> alter user ctxsys identified by <ctx_password> account unlock;
- For workflow, we have to unlock and set passwords for accounts WMSYS and WKSYS
- Set environent to the "store"
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL> alter user wmsys identified by <wmsys_password> account unlock;
SQL> alter user wksys identified by <wksys_password> account unlock;
- exit

Configuring Unified Messaging
- We should have started all processes of infrastructure, message store and middletier.
- Also start the web enterprise manager in the middletier
- Set environment to middletier, and set your display
- If you did not go with the starter database for UM, read the UM Administrators Guide how to proceed. E.g., if you just installed a plain 9.2 database, you need to provide some external libraries in your ORACLE_HOME (by running umbackend), and you need to change some database parameters.
- Make sure the database parameter requirement have been met! If you did choose to go with an files starter database, those parameters should be modified! If you did choose to go with the Email starter database, those parameters are already correct.
- Set your environment to "midtier"
- Start the
$ $ORACLE_HOME/oes/bin/
- Choose to do a Mail Store Database Configuration
- Specify your midtier hostname: <host>.<domain>
- Specify your sid: store
- Specify your listener port: 1522
- Specify your system and ctx passwords
- Choose a password for the database user ES_MAIL: <es_mail_password>
- Choose a password for the OID account UMADMIN: <umadmin_password>

It is important you choose your own password, because this password is stored also on the filesystem. If you do not remember the password, changing the password in OID won't work. This password can be changed afterwards using the administration url of UM.
- Provide your emaildomain.
This emaildomain is used for setting up the initial domain structure in the OID.
You will find a new object "dn: cn=<store_sid>.<host>.<domain>, cn=MailStores,
cn=UM_SYSTEM, cn=EMailServerContainer, cn=Products, cn=OracleContext"
And a new domain structure "dn: dc=<host>, dc=<domain>, cn=UM_SYSTEM, cn=EMailServerContainer, \
cn=Products, cn=OracleContext"
- At the end, just click Next install.
- Choose the Middle Tier Configuration
- Choose the database you registered.
If the database you had in mind does not show up, either you did not register your database, or you did not restart your message store, or you did choose an non-default global databasename. Then refer to the global database naming under "Installation Collaboration Suite Storage" to figure out your options: Check the global name which has been registered in the OID and compare it to the real one by by querying the database.
- Provide your emaildomain. This emaildomain is used for setting up the initial domain structure in the OID for the daemon preferences. Also, the listener entries will be modified in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora. Choose the same email domain as you did in the above step. Besides having a new file listener.ora, you will find a new ldap object
"dn: cn=mailProcessConfig, cn=EMailServer, cn=midtier, cn=<host>, cn=Computers, cn=OracleContext"
- If this step is failing, you can also run this step manually. Refer to the UM Administrators Guide for this. One of the problems might be that you choose a starter database for Files instead of Email, the OID entry "cn=EMailServerContainer, cn=Products, cn=OracleContext" might not have been created.

- Start your browser and go to web enterprise manager http://<host>.<domain>:1810/ and login using account ias_admin and password <oid_password>
- Choose your midtier, and select component Unified Messaging
- select Unified Messaging IMAP and choose Change Settings
- Set the Default Domain to your email domain so that users logging in are assumed as users in <email_domain>. Otherwise users have to login using the domain, e.g.
- select Unified Messaging POP and choose Change Settings
- Set the Process Debug Level to 0
- select Unified Messaging List Server and choose Change Settings
- Set the Process Debug Level to 0
- houskeeping is set by default OK
- select Unified Messaging Inbound SMTP and choose Change Settings
- If you are connected to the outside world, you might want to enable Native Anti Spamming and setting relay allowed to false. Refer to the UM Administrators Guide for this.
- Check to localdomain to be <email_domain>
- You might want to consider shorter time settings than the defaults, to have mail sooner delivered.
- SMTP Minimum Queue Age: 5 (default 30)
- Message Timeout: 5 (default 30)
- SMTP Queue Timeout: 2 (default 5)
- Authentication: None (by default it states required)
- select Unified Messaging Outbound SMTP and choose Change Settings
- You might want to consider shorter time settings than the defaults, to have mail sooner delivered.
- SMTP Minimum Queue Age: 5 (default 30)
- Message Timeout: 5 (default 30)
- SMTP Queue Timeout: 2 (default 5)
- You can modify the tnslsnr to enable oracle to start the daemon listener process.
Note: this is a security leak so it's up to your decision. It is more convenient on test systems.
Follow Note 205298.1 how to do this.
- Start the tnslistener, and the unified messaging processes. Refer to "Starting and Stopping" for this.
- We are going to provision the OID users.
- Browse to http://<host>.<domain>:7777/oiddas/
- Log in as user orcladmin password <oid_password>
- Click on Create and create the following users:
- sysadmin - sysadmin@<email_domain>
- micky.mouse - mickey.mouse@<email_domain>
- -<email_domain>
Note that those email addresses are only for your addressbook. There is no real reference to the email users at this point.
- We are going to provision the first user: the system administrator
- Browse to http://<host>.<domain>:7779/um/admin/UMAdminLogin.uix
- Log in as user orcladmin password <oid_password>
- Log in as user UMADMIN password <umadmin_password>
- Click on user and add a new user
- Specify ID: sysadmin
- Specify Email Domain: <email_domain>
- Specify Quota: 1 (you can change that later to 0=unlimited)
- Specify Role: System Administrator.
Now forget this URL, you can do everything from now from the ordinary URL /um/traffic_cop which is also the normal webmail. But depending on the role, you get an additional tab for administration.
- Make sure you are logged out as the orcladmin user in the login server.
- Go to webadmin page and login as user sysadmin http://<host>.<domain>:7779/um/traffic_cop
- Go to the Administration tab
- Click on Domain and modify Domain Settings for Users for <email_domain>
- Specify Voice Quota: 10
- Specify User State: Active
- Specify number of email to display: 25
- Leave everything other to the defaults
- Click on User and specify to create users for <email_domain>
- Specify user id:
- Specify role: Domain Administrator
- Submit
- Specify user id: mickey.mouse
- Specify role: regular user
- You are allmost ready to go, just do a postfix for the smtp_out/relay only if you are installing on Linux.
- shutdown smtp_out process
- apply patch 2606325
- startup smtp_in process
- Test the whole thing by sending a mail to<email_domain> and verify
this mail is retrieved. Then as reply to this mail and verify again.
- If you browse into the ldap server to the object
"dn: mail=sysadmin@<email_domain>, cn=Users, dc=<domain>,...,dc=<domain>, cn=UM_SYSTEM,cn=EMailServerContainer, cn=Products, cn=OracleContext" then you see the actual email user object. This object contains the reference between the email reciepent (attribute "mail") and the OID user (attribute "targetdn"). So, for authentication, the password of the targetdn user is used,and for accessing the mail, the attributes "objectid" (which is the primary key object in the message store) is used in conjunction with the attribute orclmailstore (the pointer to the mailstore database).

- You see the problem when you have an ldap user with accents, e.g. mïçkéÿ (or another real UTF8 name), then the email address will be corresponding because you are forced to create the same name. After creation, you see here that you can actually modify the DN (because the attribute mail is part of the DN) to have a valid mail address. Remember, that in your email address, only USASCII7 characters are allowed:
- "a" to "z"
- "A" to "Z"
- 0 to 9
- "." (dot)
- "@" (at)
By modifying this reference object, you can point to an UTF8 ldap username, and point to an orclobjectid (mail pointer reference) while having a valid email name. Be aware that users having this ldap username with accents, might have a problem entering this name on a foreign keyboard (internetcafe where you are not allowed to install additional charactersets).
- Warning again for using dots in the name when using Oracle Files. When you want to map a network drive in windows to Oracle Files, you will find out that in windows a dot "." is a reserved character, so altering the login name. Users ends up being denied access, while typing the correct username and password.

Configuring Calendar
- We already provisioned the OID users in the UM configuration.
- We are going to provision the users, so everything should be running, and that includes of course the calendar server. Refer to "Starting and Stopping" on how to do that. Also note that the server has to be started as user unison, with the full ORACLE enviroment set, including LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- Go to webadmin page and login as user SYSOP http://<host>.<domain>:7779/cgi-bin/caladmin/uniwebadm.cgi?CADMType=CADMClusterAdmin
Note: this URL is correct for Linux. In the documentation is always mentioned this URL with
fastcgi http://<host>.<domain>:7779/fcgi-bin/.../uniwebadm.fcgi?...).
This is going to be fixed in patchset 1, which we will apply later on.
- Click Users to add users, and then Create users.
- Search for users with email address "*<host>*" to return all users.
- Check the users you want (sysadmin,, mickey.mouse) and press Add.
- Now in the ldap server, the users will get an additional object "ctCalUser" and two additional attributes "ctCalPublishedType" and "ctCalXItemId". The last attribute is the actual reference between the calender server object id and the ldap user.
- Log out (verify in the login server you are logged out) and log into calendar as user sysadmin
- You should be logged in!
- To allow users to modify their timezone, modify file /users/unison/misc/unison.ini and set "settimezone = TRUE" and restart your Apacheserver to apply.
- To test, create a meeting with, and select to be reminded by email 10 minutes before start. Log in as to see the invitation, and log into webmail as sysadmin to see the reminder. With trouble, check the sendmail logs of unison in /user/unison/log/sendmail.log and check the sendmail log in /var/log/sendmail

Installing Oracle Workflow 2.6.2 (Standalone version)
To be able to use the workflow functionality of Oracle Files, Workflow needs to be installed and configured before installin Files. The software of Oracle Workflow is installed in both the storage and the middle tier enviroment. Because workflow is installed and configured in the database we chose to install it fron the "store" environment.
Directory: <store_home>/wf
- Make sure you have a running X server somewhere. For most convenience, we started on the server a vncserver.
- As root do xhost +
- su - oracle
- set environments:
$ export DISPLAY=localhost:32
Set environment settings before installation:
DISPLAY=localhost:32 # 32 => display of VNC server
export TMP
export TMPDIR
export DISPLAY
export PATH
- Test your display by calling xterm or xclock.
- Set environment:
$ . oraenv
Enter store

- Edit the database init.ora parameter file of the store database.
UTL_FILE_DIR = <store_home>/wf/res
Restart the database with option 'pfile = initstore.ora'
$ startup pfile=<store_home>/admin/store/pfile/initstore.ora;
- Set the following environment parameters:
$ export CLASSPATH
- Before the Workflow Configuration Assistant make the following changes:
Go to directory <store_home>/wf/install
Backup file wfinstall to wfinstall.backup
Edit wfinstall:
and replace

# Oracle Workflow Install Script
# Make sure all arguments are assigned or java will hang.
"<store_home>/JRE/bin/jre" -classpath
"<store_home>/wf/java: \
<store_home>/JRE/lib/rt.jar: \
<store_home>/JRE/lib/i18n.jar: \
<store_home>/wf/install/WorkflowCA.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/ewt3.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/ewt3-nls.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/share.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/swingall-1_1_1.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/wfjava.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/wfapi.jar: \
<store_home>/jdbc/lib/" \
WorkflowCA /wfdir <store_home>/wf \
/orahome <store_home>


# Oracle Workflow Install Script
# Make sure all arguments are assigned or java will hang.
"/apps/oracle/product/cs903/midtier/jdk/bin/java" -classpath
"<store_home>/wf/java: \
<store_home>/JRE/lib/rt.jar: \
<store_home>/JRE/lib/i18n.jar: \
<store_home>/wf/install/WorkflowCA.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/ewt3.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/ewt3-nls.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/share.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/swingall-1_1_1.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/wfjava.jar: \
<store_home>/jlib/wfapi.jar: \
<store_home>/jdbc/lib/" \
WorkflowCA /wfdir <store_home>/wf \
/orahome <store_home>


- Run the Workflow Configuration Assistant.
Go to directory <store_home>/wf/install and then Run:
$ wfinstall

- Enter Workflow Account: OWF_MGR
Password: <password>

A new database account is created.
- Select Install Option 'Install'
Connect method: local.
Use SID=store.

Check the status of the configuration via file workflow.log in the directory <store_home>/wf/install.

- Load other languages.
Due to a limitation in Oracle Files 9 other languages must also be loaded to integrate Oracle Workflow and Oracle Files. Even if only English will be used.

Run wfinstall again for each of the following languages:
Select the option 'Add Language'.
Choose a language from the list.
Click Submit.

- As a prerequisite for the configuration of Oracle Files apply patch 2657711
(REVIEWDOCUMENTS_<LANG>.WFT NOT INSTALLED). Setting up the Workflow Definitions.

Go to /apps/oracle/product/cs903/midtier/ifs/files/admin/config
Backup ReviewDocuments.wft

Copy all 10 files from patch 2657711 to

- Install and configure Web server.
- Start Enterprise Manager (midtier: http://<hostname>.<domain>:1810)
- Select midtier HTTP server
- Select PL/SQL properties
- On the mod_plsql services pages, select the Create button in the DAD, and select
the General radio button.
- Create a DAD:
DAD Name: pls/cs_wf
Schema Name: leave blank
Oracle User Name: leave blank
Oracle password: leave blank
Oracle connect string: store
Authentication Mode: Basic
Session Cookie Name: leave blank
Package/Session Management Type: Stateless - ResetPackageState
Default (Home) Page: wfa_html.home

- Verify Oracle Workflow web interface virtual directory mappings.
(step 5 in Installation Guide).

Use Oracle Enterprise Manager and open wf.conf

Restart the midtier HTTP server.

Verify your Workflow base URL:
Enter username owf_mgr and password <password>

- Set the Workflow Global Preferences.
Go to http://<hostname>.<domain>:7778/pls/cs_wf/wfa_html.home
and log on as OWF_MGR.

Click on Global Preferences, Update and set the following values:

- LDAP Host : <hostname>.<domain>
- LDAP Port : 7777
- LDAP Admin : cn=orcladmin
- LDAP Adminpwd : <ldap password>
- Changeog Location : cn=changelog
- LDAP User Base Directory : cn=Users,dc=<first part of domain>,dc=nl
- Workflow Administrator : orcladmin
- Workflow Web Agent : http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>/pls/cs_wf

- Upload Business Event System seed data
Copy files wfevt.xml and wfsync.xml from <store_home>/wf/res/US to <store_home>/wf/res

Run as OWF_MGR:
$ sqlplus owf_mgr/<password> @$ORACLE_HOME/wf/admin/sql/wfsdupld <directory> wfevt.xml
$ sqlplus owf_mgr/<password> @$ORACLE_HOME/wf/admin/sql/wfsdupld <directory> wfsync.xml

where <directory> = <store_home>/wf/res
which is exactly the same as database parameter UTL_FILE_DIR (required)

- Apply Workflow patch Bug 2579824 (Single signon for Workflow 2.6.2 V3)
This patch fixes the single signon issues for Workflow 2.6.2.
Read the Patch Readme file.

Log on to the database as SYS via SQL*Plus (SID store) and run
SQL> @<store_home>/rdbms/admin/catldap.sql
SQL> @<store_home>/rdbms/admin/dbmsldap.sql

Go to directory <store_home>/wf/sql.
Log on to the database as OWF_MGR via SQL*Plus
$ sqlplus <OWF_MGR>/<password>

Execute the following commands:
SQL> @wfsecs.pls
SQL> @wfsecssb.pls
SQL> @wfssob.pls (This is a newly added script in the latest Workflow Patch that we downloaded from ARU for the SSO bug)
SQL> @wfdircsv.sql

Log on to the database as SYS via SQL*Plus (SID store) and run
the following command to recompile invalid packages:
SQL> @<store_home>/rdbms/admin/utlrp

- Open the Oracle Worlflow UI to enable an event.
Go to http://<hostname>.<domain>:7778/pls/cs_wf/wfa_html.home

Click on Event Subscription.
Search for event ''
Click on the Edit link and select on the resulting page Enabled. Click submit.

Go again to the '' event.
Click on the 'Edit subscription' icon (left to the Edit icon).
Click on the Edit link for subscription 'wf_sso.user_change'
Set the status to enabled and click submit.

- Synchronize Users between OID and Workflow. This script synchronizes all users.

Make a file with the following SQL script:
set serveroutput on size 99999

res boolean := FALSE;
wf_log_pkg.WF_DEBUG_FLAG :=TRUE;

res := wf_ldap.synch_all();
if (res) then
end if;



Run the SQL-script in SQL*Plus as user OWF_MGR.

Check if users have been synchronized. Run the following SQL-statement:


- Create a DBMS_JOB to synchronise users changes between OID and Workflow on a regular interval.
Use procedure wf_ldap.synch_changes().
/* Sync OID and Workflow every ten minutes */
v_job number;
(job => v_job
,what => 'declare res boolean; begin res := wf_ldap.synch_changes(); end;'
,next_date => sysdate
,interval => 'sysdate + (1/24/60 * 10)'

- Create DBMS_JOBs to synchronize the Oracle Text index of Oracle Files.
Create one job to synchronize the index and one to optimize the index.

First grant execute rights on ctx_ddl to Files Schema:
$ sqlplus ctxsys/<ctxsys password>@dstore

SQL> grant execute on ctx_ddl to ifssys;
SQL> connect ifssys/<password>;

Create the following jobs as user IFSSYS:
/* Sync index each two minutes */
v_job number;
(job => v_job
,what => 'ctx_ddl.sync_index(''IFS_TEXT'');'
,next_date => sysdate
,interval => 'sysdate + (1/24/60 * 2)'


/* Optimize index every night */
v_job number;
(job => v_job
,what => 'ctx_ddl.optimize_index(''IFS_TEXT'',''FAST'');'
,next_date => trunc(sysdate)
,interval => 'trunc(sysdate) + 1'


- Open via the Enterprise Manager the file mod_osso.conf of the midtier HTTP server.
Add the following lines to file mod_osso.conf
<Location new_workflowDAD>
require valid-user
AuthType Basic

In our situation:
<Location pls/cs_wf>
require valid-user
AuthType Basic


- Change the Workflow DAD configuration. It can be found via the Enterprise Manager under the midtier HTTP server. Select dads.conf.

Find the new_workflowDAD location: cs_wf. Between the Location and /Location lines, insert the following entries:
PlSqlDatabaseUserName <workflow_schema_name>
PlSqlDatabasePassword <workflow_schema_password>

Restart the midtier HTTP Server.

- Set up Oracle Workflow HTML help.
See step 6 (Set up Oracle Workflow HTML help) in the Oracle Workflow Server Installation Notes document.

Configuring Files
- Start all components
- Set your DISPLAY
- Set your environment to "midtier"
- Make sure that you have the required database parameters set. If you choose to go with a file starter database, those are fine already. If you did choose a email store starter database you have to change them.
- Set environment to "store"
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL> show parammeter session_max_open_files
SQL> alter system set session_max_open_files=50 scope=spfile;
SQL> exit;
Make sure you restart the store database to make the changes effective.
- Editing the ifsctllaunchnode File
$ vi $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin/system/ifsctllaunchnode
- Search for the line starting with "nohup ..." and add just before that line
- Invoke the files configuration assistant
$ $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin/ifsca
- Choose to create a new Oracle Files domain
- Specify the location to database host: <host>.<domain>
- Specify the listener port for your store database
- Specify the storage service name: <store_sid>.<host>.<domain>
- Specify the SYS password
- Choose to create the schema: IFSSYS
- Choose your password for the IFSSYS schema.
- Choose the USERS tablespaces to go with the defaults. For Production it is recommended to choose (and pre-create) your own tablespaces.
- Choose the characterset: UTF8 (it does not make sense to go with less)
- Choose your language
- Go with the defaul FTP port (21), NFS port (2049) and NFS Mount Server port (0)
- Choose the fully qualified HTTP hostname: <host>.<domain>
- Choose the http port of your middltier: 7779
- Choose the email server. If you have the email configured, choose <email_domain> otherwise choose an existing mailserver, or a relay server.
- Choose the postmaster account for files mailing problems: sysadmin@<email_domain>
- Choose the 9iFS User password, the Guest password and site_admin password.
- Choose the OID server: <host>.<domain>
- Choose the OID port: <oid_port>
- Choose only SSL if you want maximum security. On this box, both are on the same machine, using
SSL is useless and is only impackting performance.
- Choose the Super user DN: cn=orcladmin
- Choose the Super user password: <oid_password>
- Choose the root context: cn=OracleContext
- Choose "Yes" to setup this computer for this domain.
- Choose to go with the defaults for the Domain Components (everything checked) and only change the hostname in case of having a virutal hostname configuration with multiple hostnames on the same IP address.
- Choose to run the Oracle 9iFS Agents
- Choose to go with the all Protocol servers checked, except for AFP (which is Machintosh) unless you need this machintosh connectivity.
- Go with the suggested HTTP node name: <host>.<domain> HTTP Node
- If you allready started the enterprise manager, then shut it down, because some changes have been applied.
- Start your enterprise manager
- Browse to your Enterprise manager and see an entry has successfully been added
"iFS <host>.<domain>:<store_listener_port>:<store_sid>.<host<.<domain>:IFSSYS"
- Then having set the environment, change to user root without changing your enviroment
$ su root
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin
$ ./ifsctl start
And specify the IFSSYS paassword
- Start in the enterprise manager (or from command line) the OC4J_iFS_files
- Stop the component ohs (Oracle HTTP Server)
- Start the component ohs
- If you are unsure how to do those, just stop and start your complete middletier including the enterprise manager.
- browse to http://<host>.<domain>:7779/files/app/AdminLogin
- Log in using account SITE_ADMIN and the password you specified for this SITE_ADMIN.
You cannot use SSO, because the SITE_ADMIN is not an OID user (yet).
- Click to create a new subscriber.
- Choose all default settings for the subscriber (enable account, shared schema)
- Choose an incredible amount of Quota. Remember: your site is not allowed to grow bigger than this. If you specify 100MB, and you will create your first user with quota 100MB, then you cannot create more users! So go with a number you are not likely to pass within 3 years. We chose 1024TB.
- Choose the Subscriber "can" allocate more space
- Choose the maxumum number of users for this subscriber: we went with 1024.
- Allow the administrator to increase the maximum number of users
- Choose an end date for this subscriber.We chose a value not even in the near future: 12/31/2099
-- Choose Subscriber Administrator User ID: filesadmin


Note: do not use an existing OID user, this admin user is files specific

and does not need to log in! If you choose an OID user as files admin, then the synchronization process tries to create that user as a duplicate, because the user exists already in files as administrator.
Then, each time the sync fires, you get an error email.

- Choose Subscriber Email Address: sysadmin@<email_domain>
- Choose user is inactive after: 365 days
- Choose the default user quota: 100MB
- Choose to prompt for password: allways
- Choose NOT to enable user control for password prompt
- Choose Public Folder: On
- Choose NOT to enable user control of public folders
- Choose your default display language
- Choose your default document language
- Choose your default document characterset (use UTF8 if you are unsure)
- Choose your default timezone
- Choose your default workspace quota: 100MB
- Choose public folders: On
- Choose to Enable workspace administration control of public folder
- Review what you entered in Step 4 and submit.

  - Restart as root the ifsctl
  $ $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin/ifsctl stop (And specify the password
  $ $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/bin/ifsctl start (And specify the password
  - Set up the synchronization
  - Login to the webenterprise manager
  - Go to the iFS_<host>.<domain>:1522:store.<host>.<domain>:IFSSYS

 - Click the Server Configurations link
  - Click the FilesOidUserSynchronizationAgentConfiguration

 - Select the IFS.SERVER.TIMER.ActivationPeriod and click Edit
  - Specify the sync interval time, 5 minutes: 5m
  - Click OK to go back to FilesOidUserSynchronizationAgentConfiguration

 - Click OK to apply changes and go back to Server Configurations
  - Go to the iFS_<host>.<domain>:1522:store.<host>.<domain>:IFSSYS

 - Click the "<host>.<domain> Node"
  - Select the FilesOidUserSynchronizationAgent and Click "Stop"
  - Confirm the stop for FilesOidUserSynchronizationAgent

 - Click "Load Server"
  - Specify a Server Name: OidFileSyncServer
  - Select Service Name: IfsDefaultService
  - Select Server Configuration: FilesOidUserSynchronizationAgentConfiguration

 - Click OK
  - Click the OidFileSyncServer to verify you time settings
  - Select the OidFileSyncServer and select "Start" to start the server and start the

sync process.
  - Restart the complete midtier
  - Test the ifs. The user in the OID should have recieved an email with the creation confirmation and a password. Use webmail or imap to retrieve this configurmation email.
  - Read the confirmation email

$ ftp <host>.<domain>
user> sysadmin
password> <password>
230 user logged in>
Or on Windows
net use * \\<host>.<domain>\MyHome /user:sysadmin
give password: <password>
Network drive mapped successfully.

Note that you cannot connect using the protocols, as long as the user did not
enable the protocol access.


1: When running the installer, choose the installer you did choose also for the normal installation. Otherwise, the installation will fail!
  - During installation,

you ran runInstaller => upgrade choose runInstaller
  - During installation, you ran runInstallerNLS => upgrade choose runInstallerNLS

Precaution 2:

The patching of your infrastructure fails, if the listener is not called LISTENER. We chose to rename the listener to LISTENER_IASDB, but the the script will fail. Solution is to rename the listener back to LISTENER before applying

the patch to your infrastructure. Remember to also rename the SID_LIST_LISTENER_IASDB back to SID_LIST_LISTENER.

  - Follow the installation notes, to ensure keeping your data. Making a backup is always a wise
    precaution anyway.

 - Verify you have the correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH set (in your oraenv) which includes
  - Shutdown everything

 - Shutdown enterprise manager Patching the store
 - Set the environment to store
  - Start installer and apply patchset1 for the <store_home> environment.
  - Exit
Patching the iasdb
  - Our installation is picking up the incorrect OID port, because we modified the ldap port after installation of the infrastructure (instead of simply modifying /etc/services

on forehand). If you run the installer up to the point where it is asking you to shutdown all services, if you take a look in the oraInventory/logs/install* then you can  see it is picking up  "Setting value of s_oidPort to 389" and "Setting value of ps_oidPort to 389" and s_oidDefaultSSLPortNumber which are not our ldap ports! Those values are coming from: ps_oidPort

=> <iasdb_home>/inventory/Components21/oracle.oid/ ps_oidPort => <iasdb_home>/inventory/Components21/oracle.oid.oidca/ ps_oidDefaultSSLPortNumber => <iasdb_home>/inventory/Components21/oracle.oid.oidca/

If we change the ldap_port to the correct values in those files, restart the installer, install in the iasdb environment then the installer it is taking up the correct attributes.
  - As stated in Precausion 2, rename the listener back to LISTENER.

 - Start the iasdb processes
  - Set the environment to iasdb
  - Start installer and apply patchset1 for the <iasdb_home> environment.
    - specify your <oid_password>
    - specify your sys password, by default this is: change_on_install

   - as prompted, shutdown the complete iasdb environment and check if in the log if your installer has picked up the correct ldap ports.
    - as prompted, execute as root the
  - Exit
  - Stop the iasdb processes
  - Rename the listener to what you had before the installation of patchset1 Patching the

  - Shutdown everything
  - Startup iasdb
  - Set environment to midtier
  - Start installer and apply patchset1 for the <midtier_home> environment.

-          As stated in the install guide, the enterprise manager assistant will fail, because there is allready an enterprise on the system in <iasdb_home>. Ignore this error.
  – Exit

  Oracle Email
  - The processes are still running from the patchset which did start the processes.
  - Set environment to midtier
  - $ $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin/ -connect \

   (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=iasdb.<host>.<domain>)))" -delete –attr orclmailuserdldn
  - This will ask for the OiD schema password, by default this is: ODS
  - $ $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin/ -connect \

   (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=iasdb.<host>.<domain>)))" -add -attr orclmailuserdldn

 - Stop the midtier
  - Restart the complete infrastructure
  - Start the storage environment
  - $ sqlplus /nolog @$ORACLE_HOME/oes/install/sql/um9032_install.sql



 - Specify the ES_MAIL and CTXSYS passwords Oracle Internet Directory
  - Does not need postinstallation patching Oracle Ultrasearch
  - Unless you are using Japanese language, no need to redeploy Oracle Wireless
  - Follow the steps in the patchset installation guide Oracle Files
  - Unless you are using workflow, there is no need to reinstall Files. When patching files with Workflow, note that when applying patch 265771 by default the script is not using UTF8, while your store database is.

How to proceed from here?
- Further configuration, see Note 206270.1 How to install Collaboration Suite V1
- Refer to the Quick Install Guide on Oracle Technology Network at
- Refer to available notes on Metalink on Collaboration Suite.

Starting and Stopping
We created a few start and stop scripts, you can find them below in "Files used".
Also starting and stopping by hand, you can use this syntax. The only modification we did was starting the tnslsnr for UM. Refer to Note 211497.1 how to start this one unmodified.
- /home/oracle/
- /home/oracle/
- /home/oracle/
- /home/oracle/
- /home/oracle/
- /home/oracle/
- /home/oracle/
- /home/oracle/

Files used
# LISTENER.ORA Network Configuration File: <infra_home>/network/admin/listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host>.<domain>)(PORT = 1521))

(ORACLE_HOME = <infra_home>)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(GLOBAL_DBNAME = iasdb.<host>.<domain>)
(ORACLE_HOME = <infra_home>)
(SID_NAME = iasdb)


# TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: <infra_home>/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(SID = PLSExtProc)

IASDB.<domain> =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host>.<domain>)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = iasdb.<host>.<domain>)

INST1_HTTP.<domain> =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host>.<domain>)(PORT = 1521))
(PRESENTATION = http://HRService)


# LISTENER.ORA Network Configuration File: <store_home>/network/admin/listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host>.<domain>)(PORT = 1522))

(ORACLE_HOME = <store_home>)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(GLOBAL_DBNAME = <store_sid>.<host>.<domain>)
(ORACLE_HOME = <store_home>)
(SID_NAME = <store_sid>)


# TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: <store_home>/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(SID = PLSExtProc)

STORE.<domain> =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host>.<domain>)(PORT = 1522))
(SERVICE_NAME = <store_sid>.<host>.<domain>)

INST1_HTTP.<domain> =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host>.<domain>)(PORT = 1522))
(PRESENTATION = http://HRService)


# LISTENER.ORA Network Configuration File: <midtier_home>/network/admin/listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host>.<domain>)(PORT = 1521))

(ORACLE_HOME = <midtier_home>)
(PROGRAM = extproc)



# TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: <midtier_home>/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(SID = PLSExtProc)

IASDB.<domain> =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host>.<domain>)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = iasdb.<host>.<domain>)

INST1_HTTP.<domain> =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host>.<domain>)(PORT = 1521))
(PRESENTATION = http://HRService)


# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.
# Remember: those are TWO lines you have to include, the first is NOT an example!
<ip-address> <hostname>.<domain> <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost


# File oratab contains the ORACLE_HOME aliases


# This scripts can be used to automate starting the infrastructure
# This script should be run as user oracle
# This display settings assumes you have an X server running on display 1
# and you have granted access to this display (/usr/X/bin/xhost <host>.<domain>)
export DISPLAY
. oraenv
lsnrctl start listener_iasdb
sqlplus "/ as sysdba" <<EOF
oidmon start
sleep 2
oidctl server=oidldapd instance=1 start
procs=`eval ps -ef | grep 'oidldapd -p <oid_port>' | wc -l`;
echo "# of oidldapd =" $procs "...sleeping..."
# On HP and Solaris, do not use 10 but 2. Because on Linux each tread is a process,

# On HP/Solaris it is just 2: "while [ ${procs} -lt 2 ] ; do"
while [ ${procs} -lt 10 ] ; do
echo "# of oidldapd =" $procs "...sleeping..."
sleep 2
procs=`eval ps -ef | grep 'oidldapd -p <oid_port>' | wc -l`;
sleep 2
echo "# of oidldapd =" $procs "...done"
$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl shell <<EOF
getState -v
start -v -ct ohs
start -v -co OC4J_DAS
getState -v


# This scripts can be used to automate stopping the infrastructure
# This script should be run as user oracle
# This display settings assumes you have an X server running on display 1
# and you have granted access to this display (/usr/X/bin/xhost <host>.<domain>)
export DISPLAY
. oraenv
$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl shell <<EOF
getState -v
stop -v -co OC4J_DAS
stop -v -ct ohs
getState -v
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
sleep 1
oidctl server=oidldapd instance=1 stop
procs=`eval ps -ef | grep 'oidldapd -p <oid_port>' | wc -l`;
echo "# of oidldapd =" $procs "...sleeping..."
while [ ${procs} -gt 1 ] ; do
echo "# of oidldapd =" $procs "...sleeping..."
sleep 2
procs=`eval ps -ef | grep 'oidldapd -p <oid_port>' | wc -l`;
sleep 2
echo "# of oidldapd =" $procs "...done"
oidmon stop
sleep 4
sqlplus "/ as sysdba" <<EOF
select username from v\$session where username is not null;
shutdown abort;
startup restrict;
lsnrctl stop listener_iasdb


# This scripts can be used to automate stopping the infrastructure
# This script should be run as user oracle
# This display settings assumes you have an X server running on display 1
# and you have granted access to this display (/usr/X/bin/xhost <host>.<domain>)
export DISPLAY
. oraenv
lsnrctl start listener_store
sqlplus "/ as sysdba" <<EOF


# This scripts can be used to automate stopping the infrastructure
# This script should be run as user oracle
# This display settings assumes you have an X server running on display 1
# and you have granted access to this display (/usr/X/bin/xhost <host>.<domain>)
export DISPLAY
. oraenv
sqlplus "/ as sysdba" <<EOF
select username from v\$session where username is not null;
shutdown abort;
startup restrict;
lsnrctl stop listener_store


# This scripts can be used to automate stopping the infrastructure
# This script should be run as user oracle
# This display settings assumes you have an X server running on display 1
# and you have granted access to this display (/usr/X/bin/xhost <host>.<domain>)
export DISPLAY
. oraenv
cd /users/unison/bin


# This scripts can be used to automate stopping the infrastructure
# This script should be run as user oracle
# This display settings assumes you have an X server running on display 1
# and you have granted access to this display (/usr/X/bin/xhost <host>.<domain>)
export DISPLAY
. oraenv
cd /users/unison/bin
unistop -y


# This scripts can be used to automate stopping the infrastructure
# This script should be run as user oracle
# This display settings assumes you have an X server running on display 1
# and you have granted access to this display (/usr/X/bin/xhost <host>.<domain>)
export DISPLAY
. oraenv
$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl shell <<EOF
getState -v
start -v -ct ohs
start -v -co OC4J_Portal
start -v -co OC4J_UM
start -v -co OC4J_iFS_files
getState -v
$ORACLE_HOME/webcache/bin/webcachectl start
# This script assumes that the sticky bit has been set for the tnslsnr
# and root is owner of the file $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tnslsnr
# Refer to note 205298.1, but remember: this is not very secure!
lsnrctl start listener_es
# Starting the tnslsnr unmodified, su to root, set the enviroment
# and then do "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER_ES -g 500 -u 501 &"
# To find out what host to use below: do "oesctl show targets"
oesctl startup <host>:um_system:gc
oesctl startup <host>:um_system:list
oesctl startup <host>:um_system:pop
oesctl startup <host>:um_system:imap
oesctl startup <host>:um_system:smtp_out
oesctl startup <host>:um_system:smtp_in


# This scripts can be used to automate stopping the infrastructure
# This script should be run as user oracle
# This display settings assumes you have an X server running on display 1
# and you have granted access to this display (/usr/X/bin/xhost <host>.<domain>)
export DISPLAY
. oraenv
# To find out what host to use below: do "oesctl show targets"
oesctl shutdown <host>:um_system:smtp_in
oesctl shutdown <host>:um_system:smtp_out
oesctl shutdown <host>:um_system:imap
oesctl shutdown <host>:um_system:pop
oesctl shutdown <host>:um_system:list
oesctl shutdown <host>:um_system:gc
# This script assumes that the sticky bit has been set for the tnslsnr
# and root is owner of the file $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tnslsnr
# Refer to note 205298.1, but remember: this is not very secure!
lsnrctl stop listener_es
$ORACLE_HOME/webcache/bin/webcachectl stop
$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl shell <<EOF
getState -v
stop -v -co OC4J_iFS_files
stop -v -co OC4J_UM
stop -v -co OC4J_Portal
stop -v -ct ohs
getState -v
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall


Common errors
Net Configuration Assistant
- It is failing completely, only writing a sqlnet.ora
- It is succeeding completely, but at the end the window is locked
- It is succeeding partially, only having no listener.ora Depending on where you are (infrastructure/storage) you can do this:
- Leave the netca running, set your environment and start another netca and configure by hand the missing parts.
- Start the listener by hand if needed.
- Check if all necessary files are there (listener.ora, sqlnet.ora, tnsnames.ora) and compare them to the examples in this document.
- Cancel the netca or kill the process ID if it is locked. Before continuing, allways check the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora with the examples specified in this document.

Error relinking
- You did not apply patch 2414946 to prevent the installation for relinking. Refer to Note 208131.1 or 199751.1 to get around this.

Temp settings
- During installation you find out that deploying OC4J is failing. Most certainly, because you did not have enough tempspace. Even though you did set the TMP environment setting. Allways check the amount of space availabile in /tmp and we suggest at least 500MB in /tmp.

Calendar installation is failing
- When running in your middletier, for some reason this step is failing.

For reinstalling:
- remove the symbolic link /users/unison
- remove directory <midtier_home>/calendarserver
- rerun script <midtier_home>/ca_temp/

If the node you removed is still registered, then check the object "dn: cn=Calendar Server Admins, cn=Calendar Server, dc=<domain>, ...,dc=<domain>" and remove the attribute "uniquemember" with the <calendar_nodeid> number. Also remove the SYSOP object for that node: "dn: ctCalXItemId=<calendar_nodeid>:<calendar_nodeid>, cn=Calendar Server, dc=<domain>, ..., dc=<domain>"

Cannot start email daemon
- Did you shutdown sendmail and make sure that sendmail is not automatically started?

Text is displayed in the webpages where images should have displayed
  - You did not modify $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml to have the DISPLAY being set to the appropriate display.
  - In the DISPLAY, you have to give "xhost localhost" to allow oracle to contact the local X server.

Using this document as installation guide
Then the only thing you have to do is replace the following settings to the ones you like:

setting example value
<hostname> linux
<oid_password> welcome1
<store_sid> store
<ctx_password> welcome1
<wmsys_password> welcome1
<wksys_password> welcome1
<oracle_base> /oracle
<infra_home> /oracle/iasdb
<midtier_home> /oracle/midtier
<store_home> /oracle/store
<ES_MAIL_password> welcome1
<umadmin_password> welcome1
<oid_port> 4032
<calendar_nodeid> 1


<Note 206270.1> How to install Collaboration Suite V1
<Note 209721.1> Using multiple CS tiers on one machine: port number change
<Note 209719.1> Using multiple CS tiers on one machine: enterprise manager
<Note 211497.1> How to start/stop components of Collaboration Suite
<Note 132044.1> How to configure Linux OS Ethernet TCP/IP Networking
<Note 205298.1> Considerations how to start UM listener as oracle
<Note 171631.1> DBCA does not Register Database with OID
<Note 217140.1> Oracle Email Basics
<Note 211768.1> Configuring Workflow for Oracle Files
<Note 201943.1> Cannot start the Oracle HTTP Server via dcmctl (ADMN-100999)
<Note 216085.1> Unable to start HTTP Server - Error ADMN-906025
<Note 208131.1> Running Genclntsh Script Causes Erros While Installing iAS902 at Linux RedHat AS